Workplace and Office Injury Geelong

Posted on January 23, 2025 in News

Workplace and Office Injury Geelong: A Chiropractor’s Perspective

Have you ever experienced a workplace and/or office injury Geelong? Chances are you or someone you know has in their lifetime. According to WorkSafe Victoria, the biggest hazards facing workers in an office setting are: Lifting, Repetitive work/computer work, Slips trips and falls and work-related stress bullying and violence.

Of all the work-cover claims made to WorkSafe Victoria, musculoskeletal complaints (muscle, joint, disc, tendon and ligament injury) made up the majority with the spine being the biggest injury hotspot at 14%.

Do you have an injury or are you experiencing pain and disability from work? Book online now or contact a member of the friendly staff to learn how we can help you today. 

How can Chiropractic help?

As Chiropractors, we spend the majority of our time treating spinal injuries and complaints, as well as disorders associated with the musculoskeletal system. This puts us in the driving seat to help you manage and recover from a workplace injury. We achieve this first and foremost through a thorough assessment. If it is safe to do so, we commence a course of care that will meet your specific needs.

Treatments commonly associated with care include, but are not limited to, Spinal or joint manipulation/mobilisation (we can use “cracking” and non- “cracking” techniques), soft tissue massage, active release therapies, assisted stretching, nerve flossing, and spinal tractioning. We also offer advice on the use of aids, bracing, and lifestyle combined with home stretch/strengthening programs. We can also, on request, provide ergonomic assessment and advice as well as postural and movement assessments.

If you would like to learn more about us and what we do, you can click here or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

How can I help myself?

No matter the injury there are a number of common and sensible things we can do to improve thing and aid in recovery, they include:

Move as much and as often as you can. Many office-based injuries result from a lack of movement and stimulation. Tissues that are loaded all day and never move are more likely to become a problem.

Where possible, we should try to ensure we have a good and functional ergonomic office space/desk. Sometimes, this may require people to seek some investment from their employer to buy new desks or chairs, but from personal/professional experience, most companies are happy to do this if it reduces the risk of injury and makes their staff happy and productive. If needed, we can provide our patients with a letter of support to get the necessary aids and support.

Ensure we are keeping hydrated throughout the day and trying to have wholesome food for meal breaks, nutrition and hydration play a huge role in workplace and office injury and the recovery from these conditions and should not be neglected or understated.

Try and get a good night’s sleep. It can be difficult if we are having pain to get some good shut eye but this is a cornerstone of injury management and recovery. Ideally somewhere between 7-9 hours is recommended.

Outside of the workplace setting, ensure we are keeping physically active with a good mixture of both cardiovascular exercise and resistance exercise. I routinely advise patients to find an activity or sport they find enjoyment from and focus on that so it’s not a “chore” and that way we are far more likely to stick with it.


Let’s work together

The above advice is general, if you would like to dig a little deeper into your workplace and office injury, get help, support, advice and treatment don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by clicking the link here: Contact us

Or book online by clicking here: Book online now

Your’s in good health

Dr Matthew Gooch (Chiropractor)